Two siblings, Vanessa and Lindsay Gray, have dedicated themselves to protecting the land and water of Aamjiwnaang, an Indigenous community of 800 residents, from being smothered by Canada’s petrochemical industry. The chemicals produced by the 57 petrochemical factories that surround their community are known to have a devastating impact on the health and well-being of residents in both Aamjiwnaang and the surrounding Sarnia-Lambton County.
With the dramaturgy and advisement of the Gray siblings, theatre artists Kevin Matthew Wong and Julia Howman tell a true story of environmental injustice in our own backyard and our shared responsibility in the protection of our environment.
Through a unique blend of documentary-theatre, projection design, and object puppetry, this powerful solo show encourage students to think critically about Canadian environmental policy, treaty rights and Indigenous relations, as well as what it truly means to be a Canadian citizen.